uring a pre-recorded address to the United Nations General Assembly debate on the occasion of 75 years of UN's foundation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi raised key points pertaining to the body's formation and approach to conflict resolution. He also reiterated his previous stance that the UN needs a rebirth.
The prime minister laid emphasis on India's position within the United Nations when he asked the General Assembly, "How long will India have to wait to become a part of the UN's decision-making structure?"
He also said India is proud to be a founder member of the United Nations. "I have come to assert the feelings of India's 1.3 billion people on this stage," PM Modi said towards the beginning of his pre-recorded video address.
1. "Today, the global community is faced with a different question. Is the form of the UN relevant according to the time? If we do not change with the century, then the power of change weakens," Prime Minister Narendra Modi said.
2. The PM added, "We have been fighting Covid-19 for the past eight-nine months. Where has the UN been in this fight? A change in the structure of the UN is the demand of the time."
3. "It is a fact that the faith and respect that the United Nations enjoys among the 1.3 billion people in India is unparalleled. But it is also true that the people of India have been waiting for a long time for the process for the reforms of the United Nations to get completed. Today, people of India are concerned whether this reform-process will ever reach its logical conclusion," the prime minister said.
. In his pre-recorded video address to the UNGA, PM Modi went on to add, "When we were strong, we were never a threat to the world, when we were weak, we never become a burden on the world."
5. "The ideal on which the United Nations was founded and India's own fundamental philosophy has a lot of commonalities. They are not different from each other. Within the halls of the United Nations, one has often heard the words Vasudev Kutumbhakam (the world is one family)," Prime Minister Narendra Modi said.
6. He went further to state, "India is the country, which sent its brave soldiers to about 50 peacekeeping missions the world over to keep the peace. India is that country, which in the course of maintaining peace, has lost the maximum number of its brave soldiers."
7. In what is being perceived as a veiled reference to the India-China standoff along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh, PM Modi said, "Any gesture of friendship by India towards one country is not directed against any third country. When India strengthens its development partnership, it is not with any malafide intent of making the partner country dependent or hapless."
8. "As the largest vaccine producing country in the world, I want to give one more assurance to the global community today. India's vaccine production and delivery capacity will be used to help all humanity in fighting this crisis. In India and in our neighbourhood, we are moving ahead with phase 3 clinical trials in India. India will also help all the countries in enhancing their cold chain and storage capacities for the delivery of the vaccines," he told the United Nations General Assembly.
9. Referring to India's stint as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council which is scheduled to begin in January, the prime minister said, "India will always speak in support of peace, security and prosperity.
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